Undergraduate Program

SJPA-UL Domain

Université de Lomé > SJPA-UL Domain

Sciences Juridiques Politiques et de l'Administration (SJPA)

The Legal, Political and Administrative Sciences (SJPA) field offers courses in Law and Political Sciences. This makes it an essential area in a country where the question of Law and Rights is at the heart of social debates. The SJPA field also offers courses in the field related to Law, which is that of administration.




The field of Legal Sciences, Politics and Administration of the UL offers training mentions at the degree of License and Master


Find the three training mentions available in the SJPA License in the list below.

  • SJPA Professional License, Administrative Assistant mention p. 299
  • SJPA Basic License, Private Law Mention p. 305
  • Basic License SJPA, Public Law Mention


The University of Lomé offers four SJPA Masters courses including two Fundamental Masters.

  • Master's degree in Fundamental Private Law
  • Master's degree in Fundamental Public Law
  • Master's degree in Environmental Law and Policy
  • Professional Master's Degree in Business Law and Taxation

Contact de L’UL

Domaine de formation

Téléphones :

(228) 22 21 35 00 (Présidence UL)

(228) 22 21 30 27 (Standard Présidence UL)

(228) 22 25 50 93 (Standard Campus)

(228) 22 25 50 94 (Standard Campus)

Fax: (228) 22 21 85 95

Social Info

Resources aux Etudiants

In Legal, Political and Administrative Sciences (SJPA) the University of Lomé offers essential training programs in a country where law and politics occupy a central place in social debates