
Research presentation

Université de Lomé > Research presentation

Research at the University of Lomé

research governance at the University of Lomé

The University of Lomé is a public, scientific and cultural institution with a dual mission: teaching/training and research. Since its creation in September 1970, the bodies for coordinating research activities and the structures allowing the University of Lomé (formerly the University of Benin) to pilot and organize research work have been gradually put in place. Thus, by decree no. 150/MENRS of December 23, 1994, the research coordination body was a simple Division attached to the Directorate of Academic Affairs, Education and Scientific Research (DRS-UB). After the change of name of the University of Benin to “University of Lomé”, the DRS-UB becomes the Research Directorate (DR-UL).

Since March 9, 2018, by decree No. 015/MESR/CAB/2018, the Research Department has changed its name and has become the Research and Innovation Department (DRI ) with new divisions and attributions.

1. Legal framework for Research at UL

At the national level, the texts which define the legal framework for research are:

  1. decree no. 65-48 of 18-3-65 relating to the organization of scientific research (creation of INRS);
  2. decree n°72-195 of 3/10/72 regulating foreign scientific missions in Togo;
  3. decision No. 6/MJSCRS/INRS of February 1, 1973 opening an INRS office in Lama-Kara;
  4. Decree No. 86-71 of April 11, 1986 on the organization of scientific research in Togo. It creates and organizes research governance as follows:
    • the National Research Council brings together all the ministers who are responsible for research institutions and a representative of the National Assembly;
    • the Technical Committee for Scientific Research which brings together all the directors of research institutions;
    • the Directorate of Scientific and Technical Research which coordinates research at the national level
  5. Decree No. 92-173/PMRT of July 8, 1992, relating to the special status of civil servant researchers;
  6. Decree No. 150/MENRS of December 23, 1994, creating a Research Department at the University of Benin;
  7. Law n°97-14 of September 10, 1997 and n°2000-002 of January 11, 2000, establishing the statutes of the Universities of Togo and making the DR dependent on the 1st Vice-President;
  8. Law No. 2014-002 amending Law No. 97-14 of September 10, 1997, amended by Law No. 2000-002 of January 11, 2000 establishing the statutes of Public Universities in Togo;
  9. Decree No. 2005-069/PR of August 5, 2005, relating to the attribution and organization of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research;
  10. Law No. 2017-005 of June 19, 2017 on the orientation of Higher Education and Research;
  11. Decree No. 015 MESR/CAB/2018 changing the name and restructuring the Research Department at the University of Lomé.


At the University of Lomé, several measures have been taken, notably:

  • Order No. 10/UB/R/81 of October 26, 1981, creating a Directorate of Academic Affairs, Education and Scientific Research at the University of Benin;
  • Order No. 020/UB/R/89 of April 11, 1989, creating the Council of the Demographic Research Unit;
  • Order No. 06/UB/R/90 of April 4, 1990, establishing the Presses de l’Université du Bénin;
  • order n°021/UB/R/90 of December 12, 1990, establishing and appointing members of the University Commission for Scientific Research;
  • Order No. 005/UB/R of March 20, 1995, creating divisions within the Directorate of Scientific Research of the University of Benin;
  • order no. 010/UB/R/96, modifying and supplementing order no. 005/UB/R/95 creating divisions within the Directorate of Scientific Research of the University of Benin;< /li>
  • order n°0003/UL/CP/2004 of May 7, 2004, creating the Scientific and Educational Commission;
  • decree n°00005/UL/CP/2004 of June 22, 2004, laying down conditions for the opening and operation of 3rd cycle studies and doctoral training in the establishments of the University of Lomé;
  • order n°002/UL/P/SG/2016 of January 14, 2016, determining the conditions for the creation and accreditation of centers, laboratories and research teams at the University of Lomé;
  • order 041/UL/P/SG/2017 of October 19, 2017, relating to the creation, organization and operation of university research structures at the University of Lomé.

2. Vision of the research policy of the University of Lomé

“By 2030,

By strengthening research structures, clearly defined and assumed accountability of stakeholders, the integration of research and innovation in the socio-economic and ecological environment, and the involvement effectiveness of all partners: The University of Lomé contributes to the development of a Togolese society whose prosperity is based on traditional knowledge and modern scientific knowledge and which uses products resulting from science, technology and of innovation as a lever for the emergence of the country for sustainable development.”

3. Bodies for coordinating research and the valorization of research products at UL

Research coordination and the valorization of research results are ensured at the University of Lomé level by the Directorate of Research and Innovation (DRI). Thus, with a view to strengthening the actions of the DRI, new consultative bodies have been set up. This is the Scientific and Educational Commission (CSP) with three sub-committees (the scientific sub-commission, the educational sub-committee and the Cooperation Council). It was also created by ministerial decree 014 MESR of August 24, 2004 the Directorate of Service Provisions and Relations with the World of Work (DPSRMT) which is today called the Directorate of Service Provisions (DPS). The DRI also works in close collaboration with the Department of Information, External Relations and Cooperation (DIRECOOP).

3.1. Responsibilities of the Research and Innovation Department

Since March 2018 and in accordance with its mission letter, the Research and Innovation Department’s missions are to:

  • implement UL policy on research and innovation;
  • translate into the administrative management, scientific policy of the UL and establish decision-making support tools;
  • support collaboration and consultation with research partners and local communities;
  • monitor and evaluate the doctoral studies policy;
  • support and advise research structures in the development of their research projects and their contractual and partnership approaches;
  • support the development of innovation projects;
  • valorize the research undertaken at UL;
  • ensure the mobilization of the resources necessary to carry out the research policy.

3.2.         Organization of the DRI divisions

To be able to carry out the missions assigned to it, the Research and Innovation Department is subdivided into three divisions and nine sections, namely:The Research Strategy and Administration Division which includes:

  • the Research Structures Section;
  • Scientific Production Section;
  • Science Policy Section.

The School Administration and Doctoral Studies Division which includes:

  • the Collaboration Section with the College of Doctoral Schools and Doctoral Schools;
  • the Doctoral Studies Management Section;
  • The Theses and Research Authorization Section.

The Performance, Financing, Innovation and Contracting Division with Research Organizations which includes:

  • the Project Setup and Management Section;
  • the Research Budget Execution Section;
  • the Innovation and Research Contracts Section.

4. Research request to UL

The research areas covered by researchers from the different research structures of the University of Lomé are quite varied and concern the 8 areas of the Network for Excellence in Higher Education in Africa. ‘West (REESAO):

  • Health Sciences
  • Science and Technology
  • Agronomic Sciences
  • Legal, Political and Administrative Sciences
  • Economic and Management Sciences
  • Human and Social Sciences
  • Letters, Languages ​​and Arts
  • Education and Training Sciences

5. Funding of research at UL

Research activities at the University of Lomé are funded by:

  • the Togolese State;
  • international partner organizations in Togo’s development (AUF, UNDP, OIF, WHO, FAO, UNESCO, etc.);
  • aid from bilateral or multilateral cooperation (French Cooperation, German Cooperation, Swiss Cooperation, Chinese Cooperation, Swedish Cooperation, Spanish Cooperation, etc.).

It should be noted that the Togolese private sector participates very little in financing research programs. Above all, it provides support in strengthening the capacities of research structures and in the organization of various scientific events (scientific days, training of young researchers, conferences, thematic symposia, etc.).

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Téléphones :

(228) 22 21 35 00 (Présidence UL)

(228) 22 21 30 27 (Standard Présidence UL)

(228) 22 25 50 93 (Standard Campus)

(228) 22 25 50 94 (Standard Campus)

Fax: (228) 22 21 85 95

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