central services

Direction des Ressources Humaines (DRH)

Université de Lomé > Direction des Ressources Humaines (DRH)


The DRH is a central service of the University of Lomé created by interministerial decree No. 101/MENR-METFPA of July 20, 1998. It is responsible for the general administration of all staff (teachers and the like). , administrative, technical and service), to process the salaries of said staff, to monitor their careers and to offer training for University staff.

The HR department's missions are to:
  • ensure the productivity of the University of Lomé by establishing a staff performance management system;
  • ensure the current and forecast management of human resources;
  • take stock of all staff;
  • implement a real staff training and career plan;
  • ensure mobility of staff based on profiles and positions;
  • define the human resources staffing policy;
  • conduct a good staff motivation and retention policy;
  • work towards good communication between University services and external services;
  • establish, in collaboration with other structures, a code of ethics for University staff;
  • recommend the use of a procedure manual in the services of the University of Lomé.

Contact de L’UL

Domaine de formation

Téléphones :

(228) 22 21 35 00 (Présidence UL)

(228) 22 21 30 27 (Standard Présidence UL)

(228) 22 25 50 93 (Standard Campus)

(228) 22 25 50 94 (Standard Campus)

Fax: (228) 22 21 85 95

Social Info

Resources aux Etudiants

Service organization

Placed under the responsibility of a director, the Human Resources Department of the University of Lomé has five (5) divisions.

Division of Administrative Management, Recruitment and Promotion

This division has two sections:

The Section Management of Teaching and Similar Personnel

the Administrative, Technical and Service Personnel Management Section.

The Division of Administrative Management, Recruitment and Promotion is responsible for organizing the recruitment of teaching staff and administrative, technical and service staff and processing all their related files, coordinating the annual evaluation activities of teaching staff, administrative, technical and service of the various establishments and central services of the University of Lomé, produce and monitor acts of advancement as well as promotions of staff of the University of Lomé, establish certificates of entry into service and certificates of work.

Social Benefits Division

The Social Benefits Division is responsible for managing and processing the files of the National Social Security Fund (CNSS), the Togo Retirement Fund (CRT) and loan management. She also takes care of the progress and end of career of staff serving at the University of Lomé, manages files relating to health insurance benefits.

The Social Benefits Division has two sections:

the Social Benefits Section for the benefit of staff affiliated to the Funds

the Social-Insurance Section.

Balance and Banking Services Division

This division has two sections:

Liquidation and Budget Control Section

the Banking Services Section.

The Balance and Banking Services Division is responsible for determining and liquidating staff rights, calculating bonuses and retirement benefits, establishing statistics and informing, if necessary, banks or certain HR divisions about staff who have requested a loan. and establish the salary certificate.

Archives and Documentation Division

This division’s mission is to manage the physical and digital archives of the University of Lomé staff.

It has two sections:

the File Management and Archiving Section

the Digital Documentation Section.

Division of Forecast Management and Statistics

This division is responsible for designing and coordinating studies relating to the University’s strategic human resources management plan, establishing personnel statistics, defining and updating staff evaluation and performance indicators and monitoring evaluation of the University’s strategic human resources management plan.

It has two sections:

the Forecast Management Section

The Statistics Section.

Leading team


Name : Mme KUAGBENU Afi Akpé (MA)

Contact : akuagbenu@univ-lome.tg


Name : Main secretariat

Contact : drh_ul@univ-lome.tg

DRH, Campus Nord , 01 BP 1515 Lomé 1 – Togo, Tél : (00228) 22 25 07 28 Fax : (00228) 22 21 85 95 Email: drh_ul@univ-lome.tg