central services

Direction de l’Information, des Relations Extérieures, de la Coopération et des Prestations de services (DIRECOOPS)

Université de Lomé > Direction de l’Information, des Relations Extérieures, de la Coopération et des Prestations de services (DIRECOOPS)


Created by ministerial decree No. 006/MESR of January 10, 1995, DIRECOOP is a central service of the University of Lomé. By decree No. 159/2019/MESR, it becomes DIRECOOPS, following the merger of DIRECOOP and the Service Delivery Directorate (DPS).

Its objective is to participate, nationally and internationally, in the influence and attractiveness of the University of Lomé in the areas of training, research, and the promotion of university productions.


DIRECOOPS mission is to:
  • represent and promote the University of Lomé internally and internationally;
  • define the external policy of the University in accordance with the orientations of the University Council;
  • ensure the implementation of the foreign policy of the University of Lomé;
  • develop, manage and monitor inter-university, regional and international cooperation agreements;
  • manage student, teaching and administrative mobility.

Contact de L’UL

Domaine de formation

Téléphones :

(228) 22 21 35 00 (Présidence UL)

(228) 22 21 30 27 (Standard Présidence UL)

(228) 22 25 50 93 (Standard Campus)

(228) 22 25 50 94 (Standard Campus)

Fax: (228) 22 21 85 95

Social Info

Resources aux Etudiants

Service organization

DIRECOOPS is placed under the responsibility of a director assisted by a deputy director.

DIRECOOPS; includes four divisions. The Divisions in turn include sections

The Information and Communication Division has the following sections:

the information section;

the communication section;

the documentation section.

The External Relations Division includes the following sessions:

the Legal Section

the International Relations Section

Project Support Section

The Service Delivery Division has the following sections:

the partnerships and local projects section;

the Professional and Entrepreneurship development section

The Mobility Division has the following sections:

the Reception and Incoming Mobility Section

the Outgoing Mobility Section

the Alumini Section

Leading team


Name :Professeur TSIGBE Koffi Nutefé;

Contact :ktsigbe@univ-lome.tg


Deputy Director

Name : Dr AZAMEDE Kokou (MC) 

Contact : kazamede@univ-lome.tg 


Name : Main secretariat

Contact : direcoops@univ-lome.tg 


DIRECOOPS manages more than 80 partnership and cooperation agreements; 40 agreements with European universities, 20 agreements signed with African universities, 6 agreements signed with American universities and 2 agreements signed with Asian universities (see attached file). DIRECOOPS welcomes and monitors around fifty teaching missions and around ten foreign students per year, on average.

Apart from these partnership agreements, DIRECOOPS also maintains relations with the professional and socio-economic world, in particular:

The Ministries (Higher Education and Research; Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and African Integration; Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries; Communication, Culture, Sports and Civic Training);

Embassies and diplomatic representations (USA, France, Germany, China, EU, UNDP, DAAD, SCAC);

The world of work and socio-economic partners (Togocel, Togo telecom, Moov, CAFE Informatique, Bolloré, ANPE, Special Delegation of Lomé, LCT)

NGOs and associations (AIMES AFRIQUE, Plan Togo, ATBEF)


01 BP 1515 Lomé 01 – TOGO; Email: direcoop_ul@univ-lome.tg

01BP1515 Lomé 01 – TOGO/ Tél: +228 22 25 50 94 ; Poste interne : 1839/ 1825

Email: direcoop_ul@univ-lome.tg