central services

Direction de la Recherche et de l’Innovation(DRI)

Université de Lomé > Direction de la Recherche et de l’Innovation(DRI)


The DRI is a central research and development coordination service at the University of Lomé (UL). It came from the former Research Directorate, renamed by decree No. 015/MESR/CAB/2018 of March 9, 2018. Previously, the former Research Directorate was itself born from the split of the Research Directorate. Academic Affairs, Education and Scientific Research (DAASRS) created by decree n°10/UB/R/81 of October 26, 1981.

The DRI’s missions are to:
  • implement the University of Lomé's research and innovation policy;
  • translate into administrative management, the scientific policy of the University of Lomé and establish decision-making support tools;
  • support collaboration and consultation with research partners and local communities;
  • monitor and evaluate the doctoral studies policy;
  • support and advise research structures in the development of their research projects and their contractual and partnership approaches;
  • support the development of innovation projects;
  • promote the research undertaken at the University of Lomé;
  • ensure the mobilization of the resources necessary to carry out the research policy.

Contact de L’UL

Domaine de formation

Téléphones :

(228) 22 21 35 00 (Présidence UL)

(228) 22 21 30 27 (Standard Présidence UL)

(228) 22 25 50 93 (Standard Campus)

(228) 22 25 50 94 (Standard Campus)

Fax: (228) 22 21 85 95

Social Info

Resources aux Etudiants

Service organization

The Research Department is placed under the responsibility of a director assisted by three (3) division heads. Each division carries out specific activities according to the missions assigned to it by University texts. The divisions are in turn arranged into sections.

The Research Strategy and Administration Division

the Search Structures Section;

the Scientific Production Section;

the Science Policy Section

The Administration Division of Doctoral Schools and Doctoral Studies

the Collaboration Section with the College of Doctoral Schools and Doctoral Schools ;

the Doctoral Studies Management Section;;

the Theses and Research Authorization Section

The Performance, Financing, Innovation and Contracting Division with Research Organizations

the Project Setup and Management Section;

the Research Budget Execution Section;

the Innovation and Research Contracts Section.


The Research Department maintains good relations with national and international partners. These include:


The European Union

Cooperation and Cultural Actions Service (SCAC)

Embassy of France, the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)


the Companies and Industries of the place, etc.

Leading team


Name : Professeur BOKO Essohanam

Contact : eboko@univ-lome.tg

Deputy Director

Name : Professeur AGBONON Amegnona

Contact : amagbonon@univ-lome.tg


Name : Main secretariat

Contact : dri_ul@univ-lome.tg

CAMPUS NORD, Bâtiment de la DRH, 1er étage/ 1 B.P. 1515 Lomé 01 Togo/ Tel. (+228) 22 25 40 76

Courriel : dri_ul@univ-lome.tg