In accordance with the provisions of Articles 1, 2 and 3 of Law No. 97-14 of September 10, 1997, Universities are public establishments of a scientific and cultural nature, endowed with legal personality.
Their missions are:
Universities provide secular education independent of any political, economic, religious or ideological influence; this teaching tends towards the objectivity of knowledge and respects the diversity of opinions. They must guarantee the freedom of higher education and the free development of research.
Universities bring together their students and staff in a university community. To this end, all activities organized within Universities must be consistent with this vocation.
According to decree No. 006/UL/P/SG/2011, of February 7, 2011, Regulating the activities of associations at the University of Lomé, associations likely to carry out their activities on the Lomé campus must be of a scientific, cultural, union, sporting or religious nature. Associations must create and preserve bonds of solidarity, friendship and fraternity within the university community. They undertake to refrain, even outside the University, from any activity likely to harm or harm the image of the institution. Associations of a political, regionalist and tribalist nature are prohibited. The words “apolitical” and “non-tribalist” must appear in the statutes of associations. The table below presents all the associations and clubs of the UL
Domaine de formation
Téléphones :
(228) 22 21 35 00 (Présidence UL)
(228) 22 21 30 27 (Standard Présidence UL)
(228) 22 25 50 93 (Standard Campus)
(228) 22 25 50 94 (Standard Campus)
Fax: (228) 22 21 85 95