Call for papers: 1st Nigeria-Togo International Conference on African Languages; applied linguistics; and literature

Université de Lomé > Non classé > Call for papers: 1st Nigeria-Togo International Conference on African Languages; applied linguistics; and literature
Call for papers: 1st Nigeria-Togo International Conference on African Languages; applied linguistics; and literature

This is a Call for Papers on the First “Nigeria –Togo International Conference on African languages; Linguistics/Applied Linguistics, and Literature.” The need to strengthen our local African languages by diversifying research on an international front prompted this conference. We need specifically, a common platform on which to harmonize research on African languages spoken within the respective countries and across the Diaspora: this is specifically a Francophone-Anglophone cooperative research. Even though the main focus is on African languages, any research work on the following is welcome: Linguistics; Applied Linguistics (including Applied Sociolinguistics-Didactics); Literature (including cultural productions such as music, verbal arts etc), and Translation.

Participants should plan to arrive in Lomé (Village du Benin) before the 21st of August, 2017, and can then leave on the 25th of August. Participants pay fully for their food and accommodation. Conference fee serves only to assist conference expenditure. There will be a Keynote Speaker in the person of Professor Komla Nubukpo from Togo.

Conference Date & Email: August 21-24, 2017.       

Potential areas:   African Languages; Linguistics & Applied Linguistics (including Sociolinguistics and Didactics); Literature; and Translation

Venue: Université de Lomé / Village du Benin

Organizers: Université de Lomé & University of Lagos & Calabar, Nigeria

Conference Languages:        English & French

Participants:                          MA & Doctoral candidates and above

Abstract Submission Deadline:      January 31, 2017

For more informations on this call please download the Call Poster’s there!

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